Thursday, December 4, 2014

Help With How To Cure Eczema

By Laurie Bennett

Knowing how to cure eczema without resorting to endless medical visits, along with steroid products and chemical creams, can often be elusive. Concerned sufferers can achieve considerable relief though by just making some simple changes to lifestyle. Having a certain kind of plant handy will also help.

Some changes to the clothing the sufferer wears can make significant differences. Artificial fibres or scratchy fibres like wool should not be warn next to the skin, as they can irritate any dry skin, inflaming it. Try to wear fibres such as cotton close to the skin instead.

The detergent a sufferer's clothes and bedding are washed in also exerts significant positive impact on skin conditions. Washing powders and liquids which are described as 'biological' are best avoided. Using as natural a detergent as possible is desirable, at least one which is non-biological.

Keeping dry skin moisturized helps to keep skin irritation in check. Commercially available moisturizers often contain chemicals which irritate sensitive skin, leading to itchiness and irritation which only makes things worse. For that reason, it is best to choose a natural alternative such as cocoa butter or almond oil, or at least a product which is designed for sensitive skins and kept as additive free as possible.

Aloe Vera is a plant which has been proved to help all kinds of skin conditions, ranging from burns and rashes to serious cuts. Do not use supermarket creams with aloe vera added to them, as they contain other ingredients which may exacerbate eczema. Instead, buy a plant from a garden store, and apply the juice squeezed directly from the fibres of the plant's stalks.

An aloes vera plant is a cactus like plant which is cheap and easy to maintain. In terms of how to cure eczema, this plant will often be the best thing in which to invest. Along with some simple lifestyle changes, it makes controlling the condition in a natural way accessible to anyone.

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Effective Home Remedies For Eczema Treatment

By Bradley Williams

A topic dermatitis, commonly known as eczema, is an inflammation of the skin. It appears as an itchy, red rash on body areas such as the face, back, arms and hands. Skin may be dry, thickened and blistered. The condition often runs in families and outbreaks occur due to over stimulation of the immune system. Standard eczema treatment typically involves a combination of prescription emollients and topical corticosteroids. However, in many cases, natural home remedies can be equally effective at alleviating symptoms.

Japanese Oolong tea is rapidly gaining popularity as an eczema remedy. According to the latest research, it can help to reduce itching and inflammation in the majority of sufferers. Many people who try drinking three cups a day experience a noticeable improvement after just two weeks. Oolong tea contains polyphenols which may help to prevent unnecessary immune responses due to their anti-allergic properties.

One of the oldest traditional remedies for dermatitis is an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal soothes irritation as it hydrates the skin. Scientists have recently discovered that an oat particle, avenanthramides, aids in restoring the cutaneous barrier, helping skin to retain more moisture. A soaking mixture can be made with ordinary breakfast oats finely ground in a blender. The powder should be added to warm, running water when filling the tub.

Fish oil capsules may significantly reduce the symptoms of dermatitis. The typical Western diet contains a deficit of omega-3 and a surplus of omega-6. Supplementation with omega-3 fish oil capsules can restore the correct balance of essential fatty acids necessary for a healthy immune system. In addition, omega-3 reduces inflammation, helping to diminish skin swelling and rashes.

Witch hazel has a history of use as a topical treatment for acne, sunburn, chicken pox, diaper rash and insect bites. It promotes skin healing, reduces itchiness and eases pain and swelling. In studies comparing witch hazel, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams and hydrocortizone for treating dermatitis symptoms, the old home remedy was found to be just as effective as the modern treatments.

Evening primrose oil capsules taken daily can help reduce the intensity of atopic dermatitis. In one study, over ninety percent of patients tested had lower levels of inflammation, itching and dryness after five months of supplementation. Evening primrose oil contains high levels of gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid which plays a vital role in skin cell structure.

Foods such as yogurt which are fortified with probiotics can help control dermatitis in people with associated food allergies. Lactobacillus GG and other strains work in the digestive tract to suppress harmful bacteria and inhibit inappropriate immune reactions. Pregnant women can even lower the risk of eczema in their babies by adding probiotics to their diets.

Licorice gel is one of the newest herbal eczema treatments. A substance called glycyrrhizinic acid found in licorice root has been shown to relieve skin irritation. It also has skin-lightening properties which can reduce the blotchy appearance of dermatitis. In a recent study, patients who used a two-percent licorice gel for two weeks experienced lower levels of redness, swelling and itching.

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